2022 : August project highlight
A stunning project featuring Zauberball 100 gradient yarn from Schoppel. Zauberball translates to magic ball and we couldn't agree more seeing the results Jenni has achieved with her latest shawl. The deep v shape and subtle lace showcases the pretty lilac hues of this gradient yarn perfectly.

Name : Jenni Grimmond
How long have you been knitting / crocheting : Very intermittently for about 30 years, more consistently for about the last 10. (Originally learnt as a child, but got too frustrated as it didn’t “grow” quick enough)
Your proudest project to date : I just really enjoy anything interesting. Having fun in recent times working out how to adapt patterns to suit myself, eg knitting baby jumpers in the round as I hate sewing up!
Craft : Knit
Pattern : Scrample Shawl by Renee Strouts. Free from Ravelry
Made for : a friend’s 60th birthday present
Size : one size
Needle / Size : 4mm circular
Yarn : Schoppel Zauberball 100
Quantity / Colour : 2 skeins / colour 1699 Lilac Scent
Overall project rating : 1-5 stars
4 star
Skill level : for beginners -> to advanced.
Medium - knitting not difficult, but pattern can be a bit rambling in places.
Notes or tips about your project : Deviations from the pattern, tricky moments, useful techniques & tutorials, things you would do differently, pitfalls…
Tricky moment - discovering when I’d finished I had somehow dropped a stitch way back in the garter stitch triangle that had unravelled about 6 rows! With a crotchet hook and a bit of trial and error managed to weave the strands back into order.
Definitely needs to be blocked at the end, to get a beautiful even shape and pull out the points in the edge.
The colour grading in the wool was so pretty to work with as the colours melded into each other, giving the subtle stripe effect.
Anything else you’d like to share about the project : I did the Beta version of the pattern for most of the lace section.
Thank you Jenni for sharing your project and the beautiful photos.