Learning to crochet online takes perseverance. Our real life crochet workshops, private lessons and clinics are popular because, while there is only a handful of stitches to learn, it is hard to understand the nuanced details of crochet and it takes to time and practice to develop a comfortable technique. Also crochet patterns can be written in either UK terminology or US terminology so this is an added complexity when navigating the online resources out there.
These are some of our FAVOURITE ONLINE help & resources to help you navigate and find what you need to move forward.
Amanda AJ Crafting our crochet expert can also help you with tricky techniques.
Australian & UK:
Shelley Husband (aka spincushions) designs crochet patterns that extend your skills, gently challenging and encouraging you to create crochet wonders. Her Granny Square Crochet for Beginners is a free photo tutorial PDF download and is a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial to help you master the basic granny square. She also has a range of fabulous books all based around making squares to inspire and instruct.
Inspiration from Australia: Little Golden Nook Joy from Crochet Road
Patterns and stitch help using US terminology can be found on many websites. Here are a few to check out:
Annie’s Craft Store is a huge online resource for crochet, knitting and other crafts. There is a dedicated section covering crochet basic stitches and various other techniques. The Crochet Stitch Guide includes videos too.
For stitches from basic to complex, tutorials and patterns check out these websites:
The crochet crowd
Bella Coco's crochet
My Picot
Inspiration from around the world: Joanne from Craft Passion, Stephanie from All About Ami
This is just a starting point for ONLINE help. Just ask the Google...